What is up with detransitioners?

There are many reasons why individuals detransition. Some research indicates there are two driving forces behind people's detransition. 

Some individuals feel regret once they begin their journey, but others may be years into their journey when they realize they transitioned for the wrong reasons. Trans individuals have reported having to stop for many reasons, and not all are because of regret.

Some individuals reported they detransitioned because of health issues or had to stop hormone replacement therapy because of a medical condition. Others did not feel they were accepted or lived in areas where it was unsafe. 

Some individuals reverse their journey entirely because having the health issues didn't get them to be able to be seen and recognized as male or female and may have led to harassment, not being accepted by their community or family, inability to garner employment or housing, or feeling safe in general.

Patients were also left abandoned by surgeons who were not as skilled in performing genital-affirming surgery and needed revisions or repairs that either their insurance company did not approve, or they did not have the financial means to cover.

While there are a number of highly skilled surgeons specializing in gender-affirming surgery [GAS] in general, it is not an industry that is regulated. GAS needs to be reserved for a young adult or older as it comes with risks and complications, just as any surgery does. 

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