Transgender kids and adolescents

A Way to Invest in Human Capital is to Value our Children 


We live in an age where information is readily available. We adapt to function: using credit and debit cards instead of cash or turning to Netflix, Vimeo, and YouTube for news and entertainment. 
We verify appointments via text messages, emails, or online. We hold conference calls via live webcams, Zoom and Teams. We chase information to gain a greater understanding of subjects or to learn new information or skill sets. We insist there are only two gender identities; male or female. Some children explore their identity through ages 2-4; adolescents may express non-binary or struggle with gender incongruity. Others may only figure it out much later. 

Meet some parents of transgender, intersex, gender-diverse, and two-spirit kids, youth and young adults, and professionals interviewed for an upcoming documentary.

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The sequential follow-up to the final trailer for this upcoming documentary exhibits Interviews with transgender professionals paving the way for those in the medical, mental health, and social work community. These professional contributors are living the example to improve how we care for transgender, gender diverse, intersex, and two-spirit child, youth, and young adults. 

These experts contribute valuable information to parenting families and anyone interested in learning about gender identities. Check out the second trailer featuring Joel Baum, former senior director at Gender Spectrum. Also featured is Dr. Stephen Rosenthal, a pediatric endocrinologist at Benioff Children's Hospital at UCSF, Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, a developmental psychologist and professor at UCSF, and Eli Erlick, a trans woman who, at age 16, co-founded the organization Trans Student Educational Resources and today serves as the director. Eli is a Ph.D. student in Feminist Studies. 
Parents who overcame the challenges, struggles, and concerns share insights with other parents and anyone interested in learning more about gender identities. Check out the first trailer!
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